A Must read!
'I Don't Want To Die All Alone'
And or
'Your Children Don't Have to Die All Alone'
A message of hope and books to help over come the odds.
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emotional...full of twists and turns, May 9
Bytreazchur(Mississippi) -
The author has a unique way of making his story vivid to the readers...from the very beginning I was hynotized by the unique way the words leaped off the page and came into existence as I read the book word by word, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, and chapter by chapter! This books warms the soul and touches the heart. I can sympathize with the author as he fought hard to find himself in life, and became an example to all that if one has the will to make it on the streets, one can. This book is evidence that no one has to die all alone if one is determined to have life and have it more abundantly.
Overcoming Odds, June 15
This book is about overcoming many obstacles that get your way. He told about a lot of things people would have block out of their minds. By telling of his experiences, it will reach out to someone who has gone though the same things. I encourage you to read this book to see how someone can grow up to be sucessful after overcoming the odds.
Great start for a new author,June 28
By Yolanda(Jackson, MS)
I feel that this book is a good learning tool for young kids today. Many of our youths don't know how hard was back in the day to get what you wanted and needed. The book tells about a strugle a young man went through and I feel that all teenagers and young adults should definately pick this one!
Unedited But not bad for a first time writer, May 8
ByJ Funches- In my opion this book was a good leap into the writers guild. Anyone would have to say that it is a truly original piece. I havent completly finished reading the book but it becomes more interesting as I flip through the pages. Like all books it has its weak points, but some of the unbelieveable humor in it takes away from you being concerned with those weaknesses.
Some parts in the book made it seem like he thinks he is the center of the universe, but who doesn't think that about themselves. Many parts of the book will make you laugh at times because of some of the things he said he has actually done. But more and more over many may say that there is laughter in the truth.
In writing this book I think the author was trying to define his life in a way that you will see that being alone at times will cause you to feel like you where the blame for everything that happens bad in your life. I Don't Want to Die All Alone is exactly what he is trying to say. And by doing some of the things he has claimed he did will put you in that category right with him.
In close I must say that the author's first attempt at a non fiction novel was a well felt one and other should be motivated to tell it like it is if they desire too.
Excellent reading for today's youth, June 13
By A Customer
Henderson's book offers a personal insight to the harse world of child abuse and survival on the streets of the 'hood'. To see him survive this cruel environment and become a model citizen is an inspiration to people everywhere.
I highly recommend this book, especially to teenagers and young adults.
Henderson's story of trials and triumphs is our story too, C. A. Webb "Conversations Book Club"(Jackson, MS) - See all my reviews
For those that have not read I DON'T WANT TO DIE ALL ALONE it is definitely that you should add to your bookshelf. The book shares not only the journey that the author has been on to change himself but his mission to help change others as well. The encouragement he gives to all of us is inspiring and shows what can be achieved if we work towards good.